RGB Color Wheel Generator

Red-[#FF0000]Red Orange-[#FF4500]Orange-[#FFA500]Yellow Orange-[#FFD700]Yellow-[#FFFF00]Yellow Green-[#ADFF2F]Green-[#008000]Blue Green-[#0D98BA]Blue [#0000FF]Blue Violet-[#8A2BE2]Violet-[#EE82EE]Red Violet-[#D02090]

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RGB Color Wheel Generator

The RGB Color Wheel is based on the RGB color model, typically used in electronic displays, digital cameras, and scanners among other devices. Within the RGB model, colors are created by blending varying degrees of Red, Green, and Blue. The RGB12 Color Wheel encompasses 12 colors, incorporating primary, secondary, and intermediate colors from the RGB model. Below are the 12 colors of the RGB12 Color Wheel along with their common hexadecimal codes:

  • Red: #FF0000
  • Red-Orange: #FF4500
  • Orange: #FFA500
  • Yellow-Orange: #FFD700
  • Yellow: #FFFF00
  • Yellow-Green: #ADFF2F
  • Green: #008000
  • Blue-Green: #0D98BA
  • Blue: #0000FF
  • Blue-Violet: #8A2BE2
  • Violet: #EE82EE
  • Red-Violet: #D02090

This color wheel offers a straightforward means to understand and explore color relationships within the RGB color model. It demonstrates color transitions and relationships by dividing colors into 12 segments, aiding designers and artists in selecting and comparing colors. In practical applications, the hexadecimal codes serve to accurately represent and select colors in digital devices and software. The RGB12 Color Wheel stands as a fundamental color reference tool, assisting in comprehending and utilizing the RGB color model.